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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates and queries,

in 9705 we thought so that Peerless search functionality not working as we did not revive any data from that vendor ;( yes please Nishit we need to add Peerless to both refresh Now and Search functionality as we need entire Dashboard 1 task display all information from all vendors. We may need to think about how to optimize its Peerless Loads so we wont wait for its results.

In 9706 as per task we tried to search 000 digets and could not get any responds in fact the search has got frozen and what we saw was only loading gif working in the middle of the page and all other areas of the page was locked and looked math bluer so we could not stop frozen searching process and could not access other tabs from left hand side menu. The reason being is all page got frozen because of the loading gif.

So we would like you to make loading appearing in a separate frame popup that can be closed, also set a loading process time limit if no results appeared after 50 sec -1 min there should be a message, something like “unable to establish connection please try again later”

Hope it helps.
will try to upload more tasks for you today.
Cheers 😉