Home Forums EN Repairs Accounts Management Reply To: Accounts Management

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit for #9616,

1) Please make the find size a bit bigger
2) I think the dropdown forms should be bigger as some clients with large addresses field information town name, and street etc. can not fit in the row.
3) Where pin code it suppose to be zip code (which is post code)
4) We will need pin code too but currently the information isn’t correct.
5) Account number – when notification message goes to any client it has an account number this same information should be displayed here. Please note that account number is the same phone number but with “1” in the front. Also please do not forget that if the number is vanity xxx-HOME in account numbers should not be letters but only numbers.

Please check where account number data being taken from while sending to the all clients in notification email this data should be in account number.
6) number status also taken from the site: Active, Pending Activation or other.
