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Good day team, yes the #9538 is quite surprising information Nishit could you please double check and let us know more details,

for old template invoices via API just remanding the work flow; –

all the resellers that download and use our API library should track our numbers from our EN site and if number available their customers buying it from their projects and this API orders come to us – EN.

However, very important – if reseller does not have a credit with EN such orders should be declined at their earliest stage without generating any orders or orders without numbers etc.I hope there is a message saying you got not enough credit with EN to proceed.

So could you please check this API work flow Nishit if it is as above.
As per old template https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/IMG-6b9ffec270586b8b30275f2731d39f92-V.jpg – for all the API orders, could you please use our newly styled template instead.

Please let us know if anything new on this so we can discuss with finance to add more funds we need it all work smooth before we go to the new jobs.


Thank You 🙂