Home Forums EN Repairs Vendors Search Reply To: Vendors Search

Nishit Shan
Post count: 942


Changes on
https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewStats -> Top 20 Customer &
https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewCustStats -> Revenue Per Customer has been made.

Working on Vendors total count on CLEC page.

For 6915 :

2) I check it on iPhone and it looks it is working fine. : https://i.postimg.cc/66CbxHnT/4-D39-A1-CE-F9-F6-4-AD2-BFF9-0241-D7-B526-D2-1-105-c.jpg
3) Changes has been made.
4) I can not search 715 999 9999 so i send you the screenshot from reserved number page of testing number . https://i.postimg.cc/Ls7Q2wxg/F9809-AF2-C142-4-B82-AC08-F99-B61-F45-E8-E.png
