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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1224

for #6907

1) The design fixes has been done.
2) Can you please tell me that for which username the coupancode is not working ?
3) can you please tell me one user name whom order is not displaying on https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewCustStats ?

for #6913
4)Can you please tell me that on which page reserved number is displaying like this ? Because i checked it on iPhone, Android and desktop it looks OK.

For vendor total numbers :
We can display pre-saved numbers to the user when user open CLEC page the presaved total number will display to the user. and in background the process of fetching total numbers from vendor will run, when it got it response from vendor it will update the displayed total to user.

For top 20 customer :

Should it work like Statistics -> Customer Statistics -> Revenue Per Customer (Tab) ?
I am asking because i made changes on this tab.