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Good morning Mark, Nishit, thanks for following up with the Client ID task,
since the client still can not use this task bit we reporting to them that it works it is getting a problem now.
We need to urgently resolve this issue it is not a professional approach saying that it works when it is not.

Also very important when we working on developing we work on site improvements and project enhance ability bit not other way around we must not break anything what’s been working for a long time and tasks/ job paid for.

When customer paying for work they assume it has been done and working, but if it worked and then broken it is worse that first issue. Could we please make our outcome work looking more perfectional whether it is reporting completion or quality of work.

It is morning here but we are already getting a lot of complains and messages about Pin codes not being displayed for customers. I have looked at the developing logs and topics discussed from #6695 , #6698, #6700, #6701, #6705 a) and it still does not work and people can not use properly.

I ,m just trying to understand why it is so complicated to set up – all the pincodes should be AWAYS visible for all the parties UNLESS admin removed the pin code and it should be displayed neither “0” nor “XXX could you please reply asap if any problems/ difficulties here or misunderstanding. We must fix it asap.

So on developing on task we getting more and more problems and now there are two issues that are come up and we must fixe asap:

1) Pin codes
2) Numbers Activation for non Telinta users.

Please let me know if any difficulties.
Kind regards Andrey