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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your #6612
c) you are absolutely right here, thank you for checking tasks, we also noted that there was an initial difference on this task and now some new adjustments come over our planning team. This is why we have added some extra funds for it as the work previously done by you took time and re doing or moderating this job cost additional funds.
This is a protocol for both planning and finance.

e) thank you will check from our end.
g) this is a very good question, please temporary remove red section from “new numbers” page to avoid cross conflicts, but we still need to allow customers to search million numbers such as 500-000 & repeaters 333-3333 as these can be also new numbers. So we will need to think how to make such numbers (that you are going to remove) searchable. So please advice what can be a temporary solution for it.

Why temporary – as planning thinking about new job that will help us to get rid of the brands in the future but in the same time have such special numbers to be controllable across the site. Please let us know if you find any resolutions for that so we can add this work and appreciate you logic idea.

When admin creates a new order from admin back end (#20719 for example), such orders got missing and we finding them on incomplete orders, and when we change its status to pending activations we then finding duplicate record for this order. Could you please let us know why it is so?

BACK TO:#6586
The more developers working with us the higher creditability for such specialist. As far as im aware depending on your performance on Vendors Search (time x quality of this task done x attention to details x less conflicts and site breakings) there is a high chance that the budget for this work will increase a little more.

FOR #6598
I have one question :
1) And Where do want setting page on Admin ? if any back end settings / functionality please list it in admin panel have a look at this area if that can be used https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewVendorPayments feel free to create an additonal tab like Vendors Search
as per site visitors i can see it has got organized https://excellentnumbers.com/pages/CLEC+inventory+search.html

2) After order how to handle the ordered numbers ? – The process should be finalized and merged to current checkout and reservations. If any conflicts issues please let us know here. We welcome our ideas on that.
