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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,

for #6597 – i could not get any definite answer but the main point here is; – We can not allow to any vendor to see where all the queries /API calls coming from, what vendors should know is that all the request coming from “Nano Telecom” not EN. This is the crucial point so when ever you come across with such ID parameters please use Nano Telecom for all the vendors requests.

For #6598 thank you for making it clear with your plans, appreciate that!

for your questions:
1) I would double check with the site admins
2) I guess same as we currently have customers can purchase them, reserve, activate ets, but I would double check with the site admins and get back to you on that.

Nishit there are some complains and comments come from the client tester please find below:
a) Site admin setting up a products / numbers quantity to be displayed on the page but it is not working on some pages please see screen shot here: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Products-per-page-broken.jpg

b) Numbers profile page we missing reservation count down and numbers displayed in a wrong color but it suppose to be in RED please see this screen shot: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Numbres-profile-page.jpg

c) Mobile site site admin did not mean to display see more button please remove “See more” button but leave its content displayed static wrapped in the site style frame. Also the “Popular” link change to “Popular Categories” and make this link expandable with “+” icon in front of it and when clicked it should drop down with all “Popular Categories” and when clicked on “-” it wraps up all drop down. Please see screen shot attached: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Mobile-See-More-Wrong.jpg

d) Site admin complains that customers still can not login from their mobiles please check with some minor adjustments see here: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Login-Mobile.jpg

e) your fixed the reservation chon issue but some numbers still frozen and expired i guess old numbers before your fix please check this screen:https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Frozen-Reserved.jpg

f) On the numbers pages filter we noted “X000–” has got extra dashes “–” that should not be there please remove.

g) please add filter to the New Numbers page as it does not have a filter please see screen shot here:https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/New-Numbers-Filter.jpg

P.S I have been also instructed to add extra funds on this job page for c) $ g)
