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Hello Nishit, sorry my bad it seems there has been a miscommunication from myself.
We have requested a voip developer email access for us to use and i have added it to your offce page you can see it and check in any time you want. There is a email access details you can use to communicated with Telinta.

I have now sent them email as you mentioned in #13250 and sent you a copy as well. Not sure if telinta reply will be to all recipients but if not you can always login to the mail box of voip developer account and check emails while we do file download job.

I will also monitor it when they reply and let you know once it comes.
So we can both monitor who ever first sees it so we can continue work on File download.

While we waiting can you please login to voip developer email accout if you can access it.

Kind regards Andrey 😉