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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi Nishit we have discussed with site admin and they said that if we would loose the repeating numbers on live data base then it is a worried signal and it means that this job goals has failed.

If we wont be getting repeating numbers when we go live then our competitor’s developers done brilliant work which captures all the repeating numbers from both vendors and your script can not compete with their script which takes all the valuable numbers from telecom providers.

May be they check DB every second or even just scraping all the valuable numbers that you have no chance to bit them. I hope it is not going to happened Nishit and we will capture repeating numbers from telecom providers. If not it is going to be a failed job.

For your information Inteliquent releasing a block of thousands of numbers and if we can not see first number with 000 that means this number has been taken. An other block of numbers released and no 5555 numbers that means this number has been taken too.

I would suggest Nishit to check your work very carefully so when we go live it captures repeating numbers if it wont then other developers using different technics that captures those numbers.