Home Forums NanoTel Notification Settings Reply To: Notification Settings

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit the quantity i guess provided by Inteliquent but will check with site admin.
for chat support team delete the case do not worry about that.

For your update please do not mix anything with voip and nano tel, voip is going to be separate and nanotel is going to be separate. there should not be any relation between these two.

NanoTel is absolutely independent source that we creted especialy for notification settings that we have on Voip. So we createed a independent instance on NanoTel so you can only create a notification system there for capturing all numbers from both Inteliuent and Peerless so please remember there should not be any relation between voip and nanotel.

Currently voip nanotel missing all the numbers that we need this is why we created nanotel for you to create a proper functioning system so we can get all the valuable numbers with NanoTel.

Again as mentioned you can use all the resources webhook or API for the numbers capture.