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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1052

Hello Mark,

“Today is the weekend, so I cannot work tomorrow.”
I can not work on port-out web-hook integration on this budget ,My finance team is not allowing me to work on current budget.I was upgrading about functionality not loading speed. Remember you came with in a day with loading problem and web-hook and ask me to research about it.I can see the pagination is working and on Customer Port Out Upgrade it is also required to change current functionality according to web-hook, without doing it the speed will be same as it is right now.

    #12756 ->Your webhook plans you can accomplish on Notification Settings job:

I was only about to integrate webhook in port-out functionality.

When you talking about other developer then it is your mistake that you have not provided all information to me .You should have to inform me that inteliquent is also proving web-hook.I am not responsible to find the resources inteliquent is providing.

Notification Settings Task

My finance team is not ready to work on Notification setting task. Minimum budget should be $700 for this task . Because i have to make a new setup and new code for this. Old script will not work on this setup, i have to make complete new script with new approach.