Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repair 24 Reply To: Voip Repair 24

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi Nshit thanks for confirming this #12723 will send it to finance, as per numbers purchase – it is not new it is same notification rules with wild card when site admin set up a notification rules using wild card or without and then they choose if this number for notification or auto purcase, we have done this already but it does not work properly due to speed issue or webhook thats what we are wating for resolution from you.

We are sure it is same problem that affecting all the voip areas on portout and notifications (notifications where customers missing loads of numbers) so i would not split this issue as we paid for most of this work but it is still not functioning as we want it. So we can not forget it and flip the page over to a new chapter.

Loading problem we hope webhook will resolve this we just can not understand why we did not do it before?
When planning seting up a task for you we rely on your skills and experience if it reqires to use API for poryt out or numbers purchasing then we should use that method and if it is reqire webhook then it should be done that way so we could also benifit from your input.

So now we spend months on this and as a result customers missing all the numbers from the portal and this impacting their entire business and no we hear from an other developers regarding webhook but i think we should hear it from you as a better option to achieve best goals.

It is ok now we hope you can fix this situation asap and find the right way so our portout and notifications work great what ever it require webhook (that we haven’t use for some reason)

Please let us know if there is somthing not clear to you and you need more clarifications.
When new instance had set up we will use new instance to take (already build notification functionally – which is numbers chron purchasing) and move this functionality to a faster instance.

By then we should already have to get all the webhook and and wildcard functionality up and running properly.