Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repair 24 Reply To: Voip Repair 24

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your replies above, we will ask Voip site admin to check their entry and possibly send you some samples.

For your Portout question that we sent to the ineloquent we have received a reply from support and this is what it says below:
———————————Respond from Inteliquent Starts ——————————
I have gone through you request and see that you are sending a comma in your request after 114 – which is why the error comes up. Please remove this comma and your request should go through.

Data: {
”privateKey”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
”productId”: 114,

———————————Respond from Inteliquent Ends ——————————

We also got your second request to Inteliquent support mentioned in #12685 will try to address it to Inteliquent.
However please let us know if the above Inteliquent reply helped you in your encoding performance?
