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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi Nishit we have recived a complain from voip admin for their notification rules:

They said that that they used wildcard to buy some numbers and they requested xxx xxx 8888 at the end every 2 sec auto purcahse, BUT when they saved it it had saved as NA NA NA then your script purchased 10.000 random numbers so now Voip site admin urgently contacts Inteliquent to cancel this unexpected incorrect purchase. This invorrect rule was deleted but still inteliquent responded with message ” thank you for your order” .

We thought it should work with wildcard and we can rely on your work.

Also we asked to limit 10 digits but it does not work and it allows to add more digits.

This is very serious issue can you please investigate and update why this had happened? What if system purchase million numbers??? They now can not rely on it and think how you actually write your codes and if it is save to operate a business?

After this they tried again and it worked well so some time it goes wrong and we can not rely on it? Please Nishit invetsigate it ASAP as it is very serious issue and people not sure if they can trust your work.

Looking forward hearing back from you soon.