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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi NIshit thats all good please let us know when we can start testing it, we need notification settings job working full so site admin can use wildcard and it works week without any timeouts. This is why site admin asks us if they can see specified error description so they can review their rules creation and managment.

For example if their could see some more details on errors for example ” request for x333 took long time due to 5 sec frequency” or “your API call for 0999 has been interrupted due to multiple requests from xxxx IP or same request” and ect the more details we know the better we can used to the rules management and tracking.

I think you do wildcart first so site admin may use wild cart custom numbers requests often and minimize other API requests. We still need to test wildcart API request and still going to check timeouts if any.
