Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repair 24 Reply To: Voip Repair 24

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit how you are well, we have just received a confirmation from site admin regarding your notification setting design and they approved your design so you can connect the functionality to it.

There is also a comment about your chron task below:

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The 5 sec chron seems to be working we could capture some numbers thanks for that but our worries are that we have bee receiving multiple errors about connectivity and that creates some risks that telecom provider can ban our IP.

Could the developer inspect these errors if everything works as it suppose to be. Also can these errors display more information for us so we can see if it is about too many connections or chron time frame intervals so we could re access our numbers request rules accordingly. Currently we can not understand what are these errors about and what we need to do to stop receiving them.

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as from above could you please set the errors sending more instructional responds so site admin can understand what are these errors about and plan their cron and rules settings accordingly unless it is something that can be fixed permanently.
