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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello NIshit thank you for your message #12419 and work you tried to do.
Firstly we would like to appreciate your input what you could do on this task. We have also brough your thoughts to our senior developer and discussed about possible improvements that we can do to success out targets and performance.
As a result of our consultations we are putting some updates below:

To reduce the numbers of API calls and secure our voip hardware resources we have slightly changed Voip Notifcaion Settings task that can find on the Voip Notification Repair https://webmaklay.com/voip-notification-repair/ page.

As a result of the Voip Notifcaion Settings task change your the updated task budget has been increased and this is we think is a good news for you too.

Since we changed this task and budget increase your overall payout reached a high level of funds to be paid. So the company decided to release some funds to your payee account to secure finance playability on your overall pay budget.

The remaining funds will be released to you according to the task completed.
Please let us know if you have any questions on anything.