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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1092

Hello Mark,

Please read my explanation for the Customer API development which is my understanding.

On admin side:
We will have to make a system where admin can allow or disallow to the user to access the API tab. And if i am not wrong the system should be like you can allow or disallow the API access for a specific user or for every users both system you need to be developed.

On front-side(user side):
We will have to develop the API tab and should be displayed to the only the user who is allowed to access the API documentation.To the allowed user will have to make different web page for the API, where the end user can know how they can work on the API.Here you may say that we don’t have need to make web pages just give them a downloaded document from where they can read the instruction.Even if you choose second option then also we will have to do same work on my back-end side.

API development:
There is total five types of API development will have to do.
From where user can fetch including(all number ,pending number,active number and Inventory number). And also if i am not wrong you are asking to develop a download system for each types of number.Here you can say we have already developed the system for all that.If you are thinking it than i must tell you that all the functionality that we made was following our view flow now the API will follow there own way to give the response.