Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Modules Reply To: Voip Modules

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1217

Hello Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

For #11824 :
1) The API’s response is taking considerable time so it times out and that’s why this issue occurred.
2) Changes for the date issue has been made.

For Port Out page:

You explained me to sort the port out numbers request list as per user (What is my understanding on this line is, If the any port out request made for the User “Great Numbers inc” on inteliquent then only that data will display on the user portal of “Great Numbers inc”). After checking the inteliquent API documentation i explained you that the inteliquent API is not providing facility to sort the port-out request data through the user detail(Like, user id or user name).

Then you suggest me to check the telinta API to get the port-out numbers request list after discussion with the Senior developer. I checked the telinta API and then I update you about that.

Sorry to say that but you are wrong for telephone number = user on telinta. For me a customer is a User at telinta side. And a telephone number is a Account on Telinta API. The Accounts are assigned to the customer, and for the port-out detail we need to find the port-out order of the user(customer) which may contain multiple numbers(Accounts).

And for the API functionality i am not familiar with all functionality of the Telinta API or any other APIs. And I am trying my best to create code on my own. And this port-out Page functionality is not developed by me so i am not fully familiar with it so i asked you to guide me for this.