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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi Nishit we are just about to close here, lucky i checked our emails, thanks for #11567 and your question which is good one. Yes i think we will need to do that download button for this work and if large data selected we may need to notify user to download such a big data in two or three sessions or allow customers to select amount of numbers to download with a message that large data will take time to download.

An other option if the large data selected the file will be generated and link emailed to this customer so they not wating on the web. As you see there are some options for that but no meter what you will decide to do we need to finish this work and on the next phase we will create some site admin modules controls where site admin can manage some of the parameters that will be allowed or restricted for voip customers.

Also do not forget if customers when customer submit a number search and then decided to download this search results to the file then export file should contain such data which was selected in Return Values window.

For example if customer run their search and in Return Values select TN Status and State options and then hid download button then export file should contain TN Status and States data in the file.

Hope it helps and get back to you afer sometime.