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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1092

I used both of the bellow requests to search DID number on Telinta API but getting no changes in response. I got all DID numbers from Telinta which are assign to user. And I also noticed if I search numbers which are not in inventory of User then it also gives response with all inventory numbers from user.
$params = Array
[i_customer] => 277058
[limit] => 10
[number] => 1______7777

$params = Array
[i_customer] => 277058
[limit] => 10
[number] => 1%%%%%%7777

And here is my soap request structure in PHP.
try {
$soap = new SoapClient($this->getWsdlBase() . ‘/DIDAdminService.wsdl’);
$auth = new \stdClass();
$auth->session_id = $session_id;
$auth_header = new SoapHeader(‘ns1’, ‘auth_info’, $auth);
$DIDNumber = $soap->get_customer_numbers($params);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// echo $e->getMessage();