Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1018

Hello Mark,

the issue is still there

Here is my request and response

request :
“privatekey”: “Z0Ainfdg0su6MTfoGgnRhk0B_YYa”,
“portInOrder”: {
“desiredDueDate”: “2023-08-29”,
“tnList”: {
“tnItem”: [
“tn”: 9838888880,
“accountNum”: “3777”,
“atn”: “9838888880”,
“authName”: “Test”,
“authDate”: “2023-08-29”,
“accountPin”: “9009”,
“endUser”: {
“name”: “Nano Telecom”,
“streetNum”: “20900”,
“streetName”: “30th”,
“city”: “Miami”,
“state”: “FL”,
“postalCode”: “33180”,
“typeOfService”: “B”

stdClass Object
[message] => An Unknown Error has occurred
[status] => Unknown Error
[statusCode] => 500001
[timestamp] => 2023-08-29T00: 16: 36.476-0500

For Custom Features tasks :
I just review that tasks and did not start changes for the code side.

FYI : Tomorrow i will not available because of national holiday of Rakshabandhan festival.