Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit, tahnk you for your message, if you look at the video it shows which routing used for the porting, however as i have just cot in touch with Andrey you can use any of two availabl routings.

We have got first commet come for your porting developing window, site admins ask why in your windwow customers shoudl click on the search icon and open numbers input filed?

From our understanding since we combine two jobs for both portin window and advanced search you created a search icon. So if you plan to use one window for both portin requests and advanced search then i would suggest you to make the following:
when customer clicks on submit request button the numbers submit input field opens right away but still leave search icon on the wiindow if customer decide to go to advances search option from there.

And when customers clickeed on any of the phone numbers menu located at the top left hand side of the page (see advanced search task) https://webmaklay.com/custom-features/ then search window opens right away and then create portin icon that can be also used on the same window.

Unless you wanna create two diffrent windows for both portin and advanced search please share your plans with us.

Would you also update us if you fixed TN settings page?