Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1195

Hello Mark,

For #10938 -> C)
aslo if we search multiple numbers and want to select all the numbers we click all the pop up appears on the top of the page but bulk numbers selection does not work, could you please fix it.
Comment :- Changes has been regarding this.

aslo if we search multiple numbers and want to select all the numbers we click all the pop up appears on the top of the page but bulk numbers selection does not work, could you please fix it.
Comment : There is no code created for bulk selection on front end. It just gives the alert with “Check All!”.

On member home page there is a search link at the top side menu , when we click it the search box comes up in a dark light box and if we add any search in that field the source code error being displaid. Could you please fix it.
Comment : Changes has been regarding this.