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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates but we are very much behind the plan everyone just very unhappy why we stuck on CLEC task for so long.

for your #10883 question – there is no order ID being generated from Inteliquent for orders less that 100 numbers so please make necessary arrangements to complete this task and if the orders ID not being generated for less than 100 numbers it is ok we do not need the order ID from Inteliquent the most important for us to have an order# generated on EN site.

We have got that system working on voip and system auto purchase even 2-5 numbers from inteliquent.
We must finish this task ASAP as it is a huge delay with it.

Im late hours here today too if you have any questions so you can finish it up today tomorrow =this week as we need to move to an other jobs planned.

I guess all other clauses of the CLEC task has been pretty much explained in the task description.