Home Forums EN Repairs EN Upgrades 23 Reply To: EN Upgrades 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1251

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, will check new & future numbers on mobile task and get back to you if any comments.

For advanced search that’s all good, design wise you did what you could as long as the functionality works great according to your promo.

We have already sent your screen to the site admins and they would like to see how it works so we have sent it to finance which is going to be added to your pay probably on earliest next week. Depending on how many tasks left on this job i would suggest buildings your search on a spare page of EN site so we will test it how it works and then if all works smooth will gradually replace our current advanced search with the new one.

Please let us know how many tasks left on this job so we are all on the same page.