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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1222

Hello Mark & Jeff

For https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Error.jpg : I already asked for this error Screenshot, And now i got this .I made changes on code regarding this error
For https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Numbers-Display.jpg : As per task description i have to fetch the total count of DID numbers not assigned numbers. And I done as asked me to do into “Numbers Display” task.

For call forwarding for GREAT NUMBER INC : I made changes and removed some conditional lines from code which are preventing data to save.

For Numbers Loading issue :
This loading time is not depends on VOIPs machine architecture and resources to process such fetching operations. This are working fine and performing well. And script is running page wise for selected page means if first page is selected then portal loads data of one page.
The time taking process is the response from API. This is not in our hand. Our request sent as soon as we request for numbers. and after getting response from API the portal script displays it records asap

For Mikhail Tumasov numbers load issue: I checked error for this and make changes regarding this.

I also tried to search the numbers on https://portal.voip.us/homesearch and its looking it is working fine.

Tasks Update

Voip Account Numbers: i checked the random customers account and

Voip Links
a) i check the customer page and found this links are not working (https://portal.voip.us/public/image/temp/UserHomePage.png)
b) Work for load data on loading page instead of click the update button

Numbers Display :
Changes has been made to display total DID count as mentioned into task.