Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23 Reply To: Voip Upgrades 23

Jeff Simpson
Post count: 34

Hey team, just adding some notes while Mark is away (should be back on later shift),
for your previous correspondence: – this should be a similar system as on EN project customers have multiple numbers activation processes, call forwarding etc.

There are two passes on Telinta for an account one is generic and the other one is for services. Service pass always used for activation processes if no service pass provided activation is impossible.

we do try to keep the pass readable in notes https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/IMG-a6326baaaf643a5f8cbf56ff3426ef38-V.jpg

the account pass which is the number as we can see is not setup for some reason probably there is a synchronization miss and we would need to get it fixed so VP – Telinta data being sync accordingly.

For #10549 – if this resolves then it is great. If script get password into the number and if it does the work unless all the data keep synchronized so client won’t face any production interruption.

I believe there is an extra time on these adjustments that are not covered by the task description which will be added to your pending payout.

Many thanks JF