Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23 Reply To: Voip Upgrades 23

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1248


I checked the functionalities of the cms.voip.us, and it looks all good.
The crones are working good without any error, I removed the crone of cms.voip.us to avoid the conflict with the crone of portal.voip.us.
I made an order from admin to peerless (Peerless order ID : 2785318) to check the search and order functionality of admin.
I search and perform the order functionality, and it leads me to the payment gateway page, so it is also working fine.
Numbers rules page has working good and the crone for number rules has been worked good without errors.
User & admin login functionality is working fine. And login to user from admin is also working fine.

No, I did not started the update transfer.
