Home Forums EN Repairs EN Repairs 22 Reply To: EN Repairs 22

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit we have updated some software on the server and all the connectivity is now fully operational.
Please let me know if you need any assistance from our side before we close here.

For #10367 How you say that i did not tried to install… I hope you are not angry with me and i did not tried to be rude with you and if you think i was please accept my apologies for that.

The EN project is very busy and we’ve been receiving multiple support tickets from them and some of them related to the EN development. You are only the developer who works on this project. To release you from extra works we hired an external FE developer to refresh the contact form for the EN project and once that done uploaded it to you for installation. If you find some issues that help to adopt this form and make it running we are rely on your skills and professionalism. We know that one day you was off work and we hoped that you can fix it on next day.

We have got a lot of comments sent to you apart from broken contact us form and we hoped that you can fix them all when you come. After so many time passed we could only receive a message from you about the error that you reported and no other repairs come trough.

It juts puts us under an other day of pressure dealing with the same complains from the site admins and clients which is can not be acceptable.

I hope you could understand me here.