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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1123

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, for #10352 it looks that we would need to build a contact form without a module since the project access restricted for only one developer. Would you please remove all old forms files and add new contact form please feel free to use our site contact templates for notifications. We spending too much time on this.

Also to safe time on development and secure budget allocated for this task we have been sending you all the issues and errors so you could resolve them but after whole day spent (time difference) we only received #10352 message from you.

Could you please advice if #10351 has been resolved?
In addition please find the other comment received from the site admin below:

Site admins asking you how ppl can buy one number twice please see these screen shots below:

Would you please advice when we can finish all these tasks and errors, it seems that we paid for some tasks again but still plenty errors and we stuck here without moving forward to the new jobs?
