Home Forums EN Repairs EN Repairs 22 Reply To: EN Repairs 22

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates,

for 10317: – Please advice if we can change the contact form and use site build in EN notification templates if this is the case we will be adding more funds for the extra labour time spent on that.

Alternatively we can contact our previous developer who was building the current contact us module and template to send you updated files to be installed on the server. In this case we will add this funds to the previous developer for the contact us form upgrades. Please advice.

For 10313: Unfortunately we can not charge our customer for additional funds as we already did “latest PHP upgrade” task and EN staff assume that this functionality expected to be working since we complete PHP V upgrade work and checked all the site services related to PHP depreciation. Please let us know if you can fix it. Once we fixed that we believe site admin is going to create new brand name that will be an answer for your g) – Pending for query.

After all above it looks we have got only Improvements a) and C) left before we would be able to move to the next job.