Home Forums EN Repairs EN Repairs 22 Reply To: EN Repairs 22

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit thank you for your messages,
for your #10279 –

as you now now when creating manual orders on EN, site admin adds some numbers from EN inventory and some from outside. Those from outside – are real phone numbers but they are not on EN inventory and when we add them manulay the system do create the order on EN with this number but site admin manually adds these “out side’ numbers onto telinta so they can be activatable.

Probably those numbers that are on ENB have got a kinda ID that outside numbers do not have and when number gets activated such parameters as Pin, Services, and we found other orders with Carrier info got missing.
So please check if you can find the problem and fix it for us.

for #10280 –
Yes, please feel free to create an order trough API for vanity number, hopefully this will help you to track and detect the problem. Please try to find the cheapest Vanity number to proceed.
