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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1018


I tested the client_id task. i created new user(https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewCustomers&idFrom=2878&idTo=2878) which on is not exist on telinta for this testing and bought an number((718) 568-5082 ) from this user account on EN.com then i activated this number from the admin side it activated successfully. And also i got mail with pin code. After that i removed pin from admin side and changed this order’s status to the Pending Activation and Terminate the number account from the telinata. and then i activate number again from admin side and it activated successfully. and got mail without pin code. i attached some screenshot here.

https://postimg.cc/t1LPBHMk — Admin Number Activation page
https://postimg.cc/phfZ8TLz — Telinta account Page
https://postimg.cc/QKNpTJPZ — Mail Copy
https://postimg.cc/s1r2jXdy — Mail copy without pin code
