Home Forums NanoTel Notification Settings Reply To: Notification Settings

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit i have got a phone calls from the team who reading your #12798, just to make it clear again please do not mix any thing with Voip and NanoTel, at nano Tel there should be a separate amd depended notification settings source Voip is Voip and NanoTel is Nano Tel.

There should be a separate NanoTel entries for NanoTel notification settings, please do not screw up the task description as we have indicated what we need so please keep it as it has been mentioned in the NanoTel Notification settings.

What is also mentioned in the task that you can use some coddings for notification settings rooles set up structure to make them on NanoTel but NO RELATION WITh VOIP Please.