Home Forums NanoTel Notification Settings Reply To: Notification Settings

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

in addition to above and your:

Working on intercommunication system from voip to nanotle and nanotel to voip, So whenever you do any changes on voip then it must effect nanotel. From tomorrow i will start adding sandbox API.

THere should not be any relation between Voip and NanoTel there no such task description so your: – “So whenever you do any changes on voip then it must effect nanotel” – IS INCORRECT where did you get it from?

We want to see how you make notification system on Nano Tel and then we will will se what are we going to do next. If we wont start capturing numbers that we mentioned many times then we consider task is not accoplished.
Please let us know if any questions.

Please do all things right company puting you huge budget to do it RIGHT and working 100%.