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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi Nishit thank you for your reply,
for your #12509 it is all good there is no pressure with this we know you are bussy with voip and we also know that you sometime do the work on EN so thats how you are not waiting for a replies from us and can continue on other project.

The reason we ask you is to send reports to our planning and finance team so team can test and finance can pay you for your work. Do not worry about Custom API static’s feedback for now. From experience we notice that site admin not always responds back to us with as we wan but if any bugs or issues they will surely geach out to us and we will update you accordingly.

Sometime finance waiting for the project testers report and if it is delay with this they still process your payment, However it is still your diligence to check your code before reporting completion so finance wont hold your back from your timely payments.

Long story short: We trust your codding quality and thus company does not want to hold you with payments even though testers delay.

So please let us know when you finished all the tasks from this job on EN we request complete test and close this job.
