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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thanks for your update we have sent your progress to the site admins and they checked most of it and here is what they say below:

1) When site user logining in to the portal https://portal.voip.us/login it takes very long time to login could you please check what’s going on?

2) Would you please position file download button in the corner under the numbers please see screen shot below: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Fle-downlaod.jpg, also when we click download file button for some reason an other blank page opened and then we looking at that blank page till the file being generated. This way is not professional could you please make it right so when ppl hit file download download our loading bar appears (without leaving the page or blank pages).

3) When file generated and downloaded please change “Vendor Name” column to “Network” also in the file first row with Numbers can be removed there is no need in that as excel files already got numeric rows.

4) We tried to activate number 3039001111, we clicked number activate and popup window shown – this is good but on that pop up please change the text “Are you sure you would like to activate the number XXXXXXXXX?” On the same popup please make “Confirm” button green color and “Cancel” red color.

5) From clause 4 we clicked activate number and we saw a error message with try again but when we checked email the activation was successful. Also we checked in Telinta account has been created which means activation was successful but why we saw a error message then? This causes big problems the number activated but on Voip number showing as not activated and customers still can this number as ready to be activated on voip. Can you please fix that.

6) TN Settings page functional is much better, numbers loading fast and we can auto search and autosuggest this is cool but the page design is very poor. I think when customers visit TN Settings page they should come on the page with search and then when customer picked the number the number managing content appears, Mark can you please suggest something to your developer.

For clause 6 please try to do the following: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/TNSet.jpg
Please make section 1 loading at first when customers click on TN Settings page please make a frame around the the form and when customer finds a number and click manage section 2 open as fade-in. Please align the General, Subscriber and Service words in the tabs as they look very close to the green area. this should work.

Overall Nishit all looks like we finishing this job once this dune will try to send this job to finance and hopefully we will start the other job.
