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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1018

Hello Mark,

Thank you for update.

I will start work on this comment after completing the number activation task.

meanwhile some comments for #11476

2. We can not combine active numbers and inventory numbers into one tab because the response from API is different. The active numbers and its details are coming from Telinta meanwhile the Inventory numbers and it’s details are combination of Telinta and Inteliquent.

3. I checked the download button it working OK on my side. If can you send me the screenshot of this it will be helpful if i am missing something here.

7. Can you please check one thing from telinta? I check the active numbers API response but i can not find Rate Center detail into it and i also check it into API documentation but same result for me.

FYI : I will not available from 11th-15th November as public holiday of Diwali Festival.