Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23 Reply To: Voip Upgrades 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit, thank you for your reply,

for numbers display if you can see all numbers and there is an other tab on voip customers home portal that also show active numbers and it shows “0” on all accounts – did you API connected that parameter?

For #10590 – we have just checked your office page and found that Telinta credentals adminwebmaklay are valid and working, please find the intelligent updated credentials below telinta on your office page. Your Inteligent new pass starts with Nish…..

Please feel free to login to any of the portal and find a number and create an autopurchase rule to see if it autopurcase the number and send you autopurase notification.

Please check these and othre comments above if all works we will send this job to finince.