Home Forums EN Repairs EN Repairs 22 Reply To: EN Repairs 22

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates,

for 10344 – feel free to install form module provided. We may have a look how it looks on the site and adjust it as developer suggested. You can download new Contact for module from here here:https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Contact.zip

Once installed please delete old form files from the server.
How is your Improvements(C) progress going?


a) When customers visit mobile site version they can not find some numbers that are available on desktop. For example on Deck top customers can see last 10 new numbers (excellent numbers) these are can not be find on mobile version of EN. Also Featured numbers are not available on mobile site could you please check.

b) When customer buying number from mobile site the purchase confirmation page displayed in old style looking ugly and no frames. Please fix it https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/old-notes.jpg

c) When customer pays for their number by 2Checkout or PayPal (without site credit), then site admin cahnge order status to completed the error still appears and showing “Something went wrong” but then site admin re loads the page it looks ok. Could you please fix it.

d) when customer removes pin code there should not be a “0” on pincode filed but empty field. However we opened Customer Service Records page and still see “0” against removed pincode please see screen shot here https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/zero.jpg

e)On mobile site – when customer clicks activate pending numbers they can see multiple loading globes https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/globes.jpg
