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  • Andrey
    Post count: 284

    Hello Nishit not hearing from you hope sandbox issue has been resolved. Please let me know about progress, will have to close your access if no reply.

    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    There was weekend that’s why i did not provided any update to you, I am currently testing sandbox account will update you if it’s work or get anything wrong.

    Post count: 284

    thank you !

    Post count: 284

    Hello Nishit any news?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Yes, There is a positive news , I have completed the code on Sandbox and now i will leave it for the testing and i will aslo want your admin to add number for notify, reserve and purchase on sandbox account. If everything work correctly then only we will sift from sandbox to live.

    Post count: 284

    Ok will tell nanotel admin to check and add possible combinations for testing

    Post count: 284

    Nishit could you please improve the look of wifi notification messages as it look not realy good 😉

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Ok,i will work on it, Once all our required functionality work as we want.

    Post count: 284

    Hello Nishit feedback from the site admin:
    1) please change NANO CMRS to NANO Wireless everywhere
    2) We tried to put number search as 2277 and code found this number very quickly.
    3) However we used 1 minute chrone and changed to 10 minutes but notifications still coming every minute and this is wrong.
    4) Please also make notification messages coming to the email nocely looking so it is easy to detect what notification comes from NanoTel In and when comes from NANO Wireless
    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    All Done.
    Please check new design for mail , i think it is good looking now.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Should we go for live from sandbox if everything is working and admin tested ?

    Post count: 284

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message,
    Notifications looking good to me, i think i would change the title in Nanotel notifications instad of Nanotel.In i would leave NanoTel and for wireless notifications i would put NanoTel – Wireless.

    Could you please confirm if the NanoTel Wireless is now live or still sandbox?
    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Nanotel Wireless is still on sandbox server, I am waiting for your and admin permission for live. Everything will work as we wish then only i can sift it to live. I don’t want any type of misshap , if it work according to our wish then i only need to change API key nothing more.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Nishit Shan.
    Post count: 284

    Got you Nishit i have send site admin request for permission if we can go life and let you know once i got reply from them.

    For our next work we may need to think about reducing API calls to Ineloquent as their warn nanotel and Voip administration. THey have already removed repeating rules and notifications from both NanoTel and Voip and now we need to think somthing from our side to reduce API calls to Inteliquent and Peerless.

    Please read this warning message from telecomunicator. – https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/intlg.jpg
    My thoughts were to create a code so each rule can stop cron calls after purcase.

    For example if we’ve got a Notification Rule with 8888 for example that sends request calls every minute but if this rule captured a number 8888 then code pause this cron job for selected period of time for example 15 minutes or 2 hours (admin can control that time frame) which after 8888 notifications resume its cron jobs as set 1 min or other.

    This above functionality should reduce API calls from customers sites to Inteliquent and protects them from furthre warnings. Please let me know what do you think about it as you probably have a better idea.

    Will wait for site admin permition for life change API from sand box to life allow them to test it again if no issues pay for this job. Then test Port out if all good also pay for Port out job and start new work.

    I can see some archive works sitting in the pool from Mark for some reason he requesting an othre developer for some jobs incuding file downloads job. Could you please advice why it is so is it because you can not do it or any other reasons?

    Regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    I will think about warning message from telecomunicator . Can you please ask them the API url name which is being called again and again. It will help us to solve the problem quickly.

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