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Jeff Simpson
Post count: 37

Hello team, this task https://webmaklay.com/voip-optimization/ Area Codes Bulk Management can be combined with this https://webmaklay.com/voip-upgrades/ Notification Settings – Rules Upgrade as i can see the task require to work in the same directory.

We planned this task https://webmaklay.com/voip-optimization/ Area Codes Bulk Management done now and after EN works https://webmaklay.com/en-repairs-22/ come back to this https://webmaklay.com/voip-upgrades/ https://webmaklay.com/voip-upgrades/.

As long as these tasks done quick you can save time doing these two tasks now and eventually grab two budgets at a time. If it takes long time then it is better to finish this job https://webmaklay.com/voip-optimization/ first and then after EN https://webmaklay.com/en-repairs-22/ works come back to https://webmaklay.com/voip-upgrades/.

Thanks JF