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Hello Nishit that has been a good research and discussion with Inteliquent it does worth more knowledge.
I have got your message and spoken to Voip and NanoTel administration and found our the following that we suppose to use different IDs for both Voip and NanoTel projects. If not then we must review our codding then as it should be all different.
If you login to Inteliquent (using Voip Inteliquent Access) then you can click admin and there – see all users list i will provide links to this here: https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/userList.htm and find different users there Voip and Nano Tel and if you click on any of them you will see all the access details which are also different and unique https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/int1.jpg. Each account has to have unique username different email and etc.
You can also click on API KEYS and find API keys and see different API keys on that page which are also different. Please see this page here https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/apiKeyDetails.htm.
So the question is what do you use for your API calls userDetail there should be different parameters there and not linked to one an other so that should stop the conflict behavior. All API Keys, API secret, user all are different.
An other question is that in API calls there is a “wireless” parameter which is set to NO and this is right, the question is if we enable it on Inteliquent will that make any difference for our numbers searching / purchasing improvement?
Your are going good with your communication with Inteliquent we appreciate it and hoping you can fix it soon, we also decided to increase your balance a little bit as our humble thank you for your great work.
Kind regards Andrey