Home Forums NanoTel Notification Settings Reply To: Notification Settings

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1224

Hello Andrey,

“I guess the best way will be is to see when Nanotel notification come and say this number is purchased then login to Inteliquent and see that number is actually sitting at orders reserved directory and then Inteliquent support can track it and guide you properly.”
My Point => i can do it, but the time we are getting notification of number purchased it is our midnight . There is a problem in doing it because of time Zone and distance.

I have asked something to the support team and if teh API work like i am wishing it should work, then i can purchase all number, My Idea is we will fetch all the reserved number then system will purchased it one by one, Since we have time of 4 hour after number reservation then we can do it.But there is one problem in doing it , that’s why i cantacted to know from the support team point.As you also know we have two API key one is working on VOIP and One is For Nanotel. I want to know if the nanotel API key will give all the reserved number including voip and nanotel.
My message to support team:
I need to know one more thing, I have two API key detail with same user and i am using (https://services.inteliquent.com/Services/2.0.0/tnReservedList) to get tnReservedList. Then how it will get the list like (it will get only number which have been reserved with the matching API key or it will give all reserved number which is for users).