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oh i see, i guess by the time when we send you numbers that are not purchased but reserved these numbers already not available as we had to purchase this numbers before reservation got expired and we loose them.

I guess the best way will be is to see when Nanotel notification come and say this number is purchased then login to Inteliquent and see that number is actually sitting at orders reserved directory and then Inteliquent support can track it and guide you properly.

If you done cahnges to your code we can monotor it again and let you know our feedback again if it works. Currently some of site admins are in the US and this is a big time difference for them and if they see any numbers reserve they try to purchase is immediately before their gone this is why we need to make it auto purchased.

Also if you watch TV News they have going trough huge weather condition (hurricane) so they may be not getting access to the internet and if they do they check numbers and try to purchase them straight after they got reserved.

When they checked reserved numbers they send them to us but purchasing them manually, this is why when you send these numbers to Inteliquent to check they found them unavailable:)

So probably these numbers in #12937 recorded after your new code implementation.
Let us try to watch it again so when you see notification come from NanoTel you can check orders reservation tab on inteiiquent and if the number is there then you can screen shot this page and send it to Inteliquent support and explain them that we have to manually purchase numbers as their not being auto purchased.