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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1217

Hello Mark,

Yes, I want you to remove all unnecessary number rule from here, because there should be only wildcard number .

There is entry on https://nanotel.in/dashboard for all the discussed number type. I want you to check from your side also and confirm if discussed entry is correct. Don’t think about time duration it is 2 second by default for all.

I want you ask one thing that the number format you provided for wildcard. I never found any number with these format on inteliquent. Even i tried to find by going on inteliquent site and select wildcard option with quantity but i did not find any number. I am trying to do same from last 4 days.

The current code structure is i am calling api and reserving all the number then after fetching all reserved number form inteliquent and then make order of all reserved number.

I will leave the code on live for three to four day just for testing.So please make only required entry and delete other or deactivate other.