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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1052

Hello Mark,

There was no instruction to use web hook that’s why we did not used it. Web hook might be game changes but
I will have to store all information in our database and it will be almost impossible for me to get if any number or any info is miss to be stored in database (1 % chance of missing) also i am not known about how the web-hook is working in inteliquent and how they are providing the information.We will need to talk with support team how they are providing web-hook service.

make notifications system working perfectly:
I don’t think there is need of making a different setup for it.
Losing number might have different reason, Currently i have to get list of all number according to wildcard list then there is different system to purchase all number one by one, may be during this process some number is being purchased by other. Ask inteliquent support team if there is any system using which i can purchase all number without getting list . Like suppose i need to purchase 100 number end with xxxxxxx999 , then when i give this info system should book all 100 number end with 999 without fetching list and detail. So we can purchase all released number.

NOTE: Your server speed is also slow, It might be also a reason of page loading.