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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1206

Hello Mark,

Send this below message to the Support Team:

Is there any api url where i can get all these listed detail from one place. Currently i am getting all these detail from multiple interconnected API and it is making web page too slow.If there is any thing i can do to speed up web page loading please suggest.

port_number, pon, submit_date, desired_due_date, confirm_due_date, port_status, tn_quantity, tn_quantity, streetNum, streetName, tn, rateCenter, province, endUser, authName, accountNum, tnStatus, portOutPin, portDt, postalCode, city, streetType
Mark, you are also free to advise me if you have any idea or input for it.

  • This reply was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by Nishit Shan.